Every top South African rider knows that the goal is to make it onto the international showjumping circuit. Several of our 1.50m riders have already accomplished this goal including Lisa Williams, Govett Triggol, and Jonathan Clarke, among others still competing locally. Arguably the most noteworthy rider to actively represent South Africa in Europe is Alexa Stais, who has been based with Hilmar Meyer for several years and has seen her fair share of 1.60m competitions, Nations Cups and Invitational events. But with the ever-increasing talent in South Africa and dedicated sponsors, another talented showjumper is making her return to Europe; Kelly O’Connor.

Upon hearing the rumours circulating of Kelly’s Return to Europe, The JumpOff approached O’Connor to ask about the move and find out what her plan of action would be.
The JumpOff: What prompted your decision to make the move to Europe again? Is your move permanent or will you spend a couple of years there and then you return to South Africa?
Kelly O’Connor: I lived and competed in Europe for a number of years campaigning for the Irish Junior & YR team before returning home to SA after my father passed away. Losing my champion mare, Hera van de Bien, was a key factor in my decision. I had been wanting to go back to Europe for a couple of years but due to the tedious quarantine factor, I had always delayed. My yard sold almost as soon as our Covid lockdown lifted which also allowed me the freedom to be able to move back to Europe.
TJO: Where in Europe will you be based and what is the attraction to that new base?
O’Connor: I will be based in the North East of Belgium at Berkenbroek Stables. Owner Michel Spaas and his team run the Horse Auction Belgium from this yard. Berkenbroek is centrally located and has quick access to multiple international show venues. They also have a great team of professionals who are highly educated in the selection and production of young horses.

TJO: Will you be taking any of your current string of horses with you? If so, who will you be taking and will their journeys be sponsored by owners/sponsors/studs?
O’Connor: I will be taking the extremely talented 5-year-old gelding, Rotoflo Capital Kamron over to Europe with me. Owner Clive Robertson & Rotoflo have been incredibly supportive of equestrian sport in RSA sponsoring multiple youth festivals. Rotoflo has a fantastic vision of creating a team, and with their support, we are now able to have our first team member based in Europe.
TJO: Will you be looking to purchase a top-level horse in Europe to compete with at the higher levels immediately?
O’Connor: Yes, we will be looking at expanding our string of horses on arrival in the EU.
TJO: Will you be relying solely on competition, or will you branch out into training and/or dealing of horses?
O’Connor: I will definitely be setting up a similar structure to what I had here in SA. That included a small training base for riders, a couple of sale horses, and then my main competition horses. I will definitely have the door open for any South African wishing to come over and train, compete, or purchase abroad.
TJO: Do you already have a coach lined up in Europe? Or will you be following a similar route to Lisa Williams with Dominey Alexander remaining your primary coach, travelling across for major events?
O’Connor: Dominey will definitely be a continuous part of my team, his knowledge and guidance has been the key factor to my success over the past few years, and establishing a strong base and support structure will be key in being successful in Europe. I truly believe these things take time and patience.
After Kelly’s first European stint, she returned to S.A. where she had a fantastic run of form of her incredible mare, Hera van de Bien. Following Hera’s untimely passing, Kelly has enjoyed a wealth of victories on a Rotoflo and Capital horses. An exciting journey lies ahead of a very talented team and we wish you many successes with your endeavours, Kelly.
-The JumpOff-
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