It was recently brought to our attention that there is a proposed rule currently being discussed by the South African Showjumping Council and National Committee in which Pony Riders will be limited to the heights they may compete at based on their current age.
The rule is said to be adopted from the FEI rules on Pony Rider classifications which has basically translated into a rider under the age of 12 being unable to compete in the Open Pony rider categories which includes the 1.10m and 1.20m competitions. While South Africa has allowed the free movement of grade changes, despite rider age, for many years, the FEI rules classify a Pony Rider as in Jumping, Evening, and Dressage as the “category of athletes who may take part in FEI Competitions for Pony Riders from the year in which they reach the age of twelve (12) until the end of the year they reach the age of sixteen (16).”
This definition implies that a rider under the age of 12 is not classified as a competitive rider which would exclude them from the top heights and FEI competitions. With South African showjumping run under the FEI ruleset, as we don’t have broad-spectrum local rules, the proposed rule change from the SASJ Council is not contrary to the FEI, however, it does affect a lot of Pony Riders who have steadily been working their way up the heights despite their young age.
While the rule has not officially been publicised as finalised and enforced, after a meeting conducted in November 2020, SASJ had decided that South Africa would need to realign with the FEI age classifications and so, the SASJ website has already applied the new rule, making entries into the open grades impossible for riders under the age of 12. With several young riders over the last few years having competed in the open grades whilst under the age of 12, some having won open titles, the new ruleset could cause great upset to future young riders who will be hindered by this new rule, should it be approved.
If you would like to share your thoughts on the matter, please contact your provincial showjumping president and allow them to handle the matter via the correct channels.
-The JumpOff-
UPDATE: We reached out to Emma Platt from SA Showjumping who confirmed that after a multitude of back and forth meetings and discussions regarding this proposed rule, the decision has been made to continue the 2021 showjumping season on the same rules as previously stated for Pony Riders.
The ruling on age limitations may still be imposed or phased in for the 2022 showjumping season, however, for the immediate future, riders under the age of 12 will still be eligible to compete in the 1.10m and 1.20m competitions provided they have an up-to-date, paid, membership. Pony Riders under 11 will be eligible for free membership provided they remain competitive under 1.10m. Free membership competitors may not compete in the open heights 1.10m and 1.20m.
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