Following the President’s speech on Monday night, the South African equestrian community has walked away with more questions than answers and when it comes to showjumping, even more questions remain, particularly about what the updates mean for the hosting of shows and events.
As per the most recently published Government Gazette, sporting events are permitted to continue provided they abide by certain regulations. The sporting regulations stipulate that events may be run provided that they abide by the times of operations as provided in regulation 33(3) and also the maximum occupancy numbers. While indications point to a 250-person maximum attendance as per last year, the current gazette does not stipulate exact numbers for sporting events, although it does mention 100 people or less for outdoor venues or 50% of the maximum capacity should the 50% equate to less than 100 people. We are attempting to get a final response from SAEF regarding maximum numbers and will update this when we have confirmation.
The regulations also stipulate that the maximum occupancy numbers include journalists, radio, television crew, security personnel, emergency medical service, and the necessary employees employed by the owners of the venue as well as the officials, competitors, grooms and medical crew.
The above regulations, naturally, make the hosting of a show exceedingly difficult as the 100-person limits are easily reached with just a handful of entered riders. The additional regulation of “No spectators are allowed” is crucial as the attendance of a single, unnecessary, extra person will compromise the validity and legality of the event. Therefore, it is once again stressed, please do not bring both parents, or coach and parent, or friend, or any person onto the premises that is not absolutely essential to the operation of the show.
Gatherings at events are not permitted, and riders must only arrive just before their riding time, and leave immediately upon completion of their rounds. Loitering and ‘catch-up sessions’ are not permitted, and to do so would be to abuse the privilege of having events available to us.
Wearing of masks while not on a horse is still mandatory and non-negotiable for every individual on the premises alongside the social distancing regulations of a distance of 1.5m minimum, between individuals. While the regulations are strict and some feel, overreacting and unnecessary, the continued hosting and running of events is solely dependent on the compliance of its attendees.
-The JumpOff-

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