The Jumpoff, Showjumping news, Show Jumping News, South Africa

With the conclusion of the 19th annual Erreplus President’s Cup hosted by Maple Ridge Equestrian Farm, many athletes have walked away from the event thrilled with their performances. We’ve already covered Nicola Sime-Riley’s spectacular back-to-back victory in the Erreplus sponsored main class, as well as the Pony Rider, Junior, andContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

The 2021 showjumping calendar has already started successfully for many athletes across the country. With the first national show under our belts and Carl Boonzaaier kicking off the season with a spectacular win at the Reonet Riders Grand Prix, several riders have also begun their new year with some excitingContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

Despite her young age, 22-year-old Tamara Rueda, originally from the Western Cape, has been an active competitor in the top levels of the sport for a number of years in both the U25 competitions and Adult grades with her string of competitive horses including JK Callaho Liantos, AAN Equine L’AdoradoContinue Reading
