With many disruptions to the showjumping calendar throughout 2020, many competitions fell by the wayside and were unable to be held including the World Cup Qualifier series. The last WCQ that was hosted in South Africa was the final leg of 2019 at Maple Ridge Equestrian Centre in which ChisContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

April is the month in which the showjumping calendar really kicks into high gear with several major title competitions coming thick and fast and the World Cup Qualifier Series filling the gaps throughout the year. After the first 3 major competitions where Carl Boonzaaier claimed victory at the Reonet RidersContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, Show Jumping News, South Africa

The graded event hosted by Burlington Stables this past weekend saw some wonderful young horses strutting their stuff. With the ever-changing game of showjumping, a strong string is crucial to the longevity of our top riders. While we’ve recently reported on the likes of Neriske Prinsloo Hill, Gareth Neill, AislingContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

As we rapidly approach the final stretch of a very busy 2nd half of the year, 2 title shows remain before the industry settles down for a well deserved Christmas break. The first, which we’ll take a look into in this article, is the South African Outdoor Grand Prix, traditionallyContinue Reading
