The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

The South African showjumping industry is blessed with several international standard competition venues including Kyalami Equestrian Park in Gauteng, Shongweni Club in KZN, and Stokkiesdraai Equestrian Centre and Heartland Equestrian Centre in Brits. But further afield, on the east coast, is another spectacular venue with arguably the best natural settingContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

The Junior competitive category is always an exciting one to watch as many of the future superstars are developed from here. With these U18 riders showing their mettle, with great determination, competitiveness, and talent, the current group of Junior riders is exceptionally strong. Currently, over 25 riders from around theContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

Many people have grown ‘tired’ of the global pandemic and the lifestyle restrictions imposed and unfortunately have become less aware of the avoidance guidelines. The impact of the pandemic has once again been brought to light in the showjumping community as another highly revered gentleman, Claus Kock, has lost hisContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

As we rapidly approach the final stretch of a very busy 2nd half of the year, 2 title shows remain before the industry settles down for a well deserved Christmas break. The first, which we’ll take a look into in this article, is the South African Outdoor Grand Prix, traditionallyContinue Reading

Shongweni Club, Reonet, SA Showjumping Champs, The JumpOff, showjumping news, south africa

After COVID threw the 2020 showjumping calendar into disarray, the time has come once again for all the best riders in the country to make their way down to The Durban Shongweni Club from November 17-24. But instead of an FEI World Cup Qualifier, this time it’s for the 2020Continue Reading
