The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

The 2021 showjumping calendar has already started successfully for many athletes across the country. With the first national show under our belts and Carl Boonzaaier kicking off the season with a spectacular win at the Reonet Riders Grand Prix, several riders have also begun their new year with some excitingContinue Reading

Nicola Sime-Riley, The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

One of our favourite things about many of the Grand Prix showjumpers in South Africa is how willing they are to share their stories and little ‘tidbits’ on how each individual can better themselves in the saddle. Often these riders are seen as unapproachable but at the end of theContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

Many in the industry will be aware of the name, Chad Cunningham, who has had an instrumental role in the success of his 1.50m pupil, Carl Boonzaaier, and his numerous young pupils across South Africa and abroad under his equestrian team umbrella, Chambourne Team, with previous accolades including being ChefContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

As we rapidly approach the final stretch of a very busy 2nd half of the year, 2 title shows remain before the industry settles down for a well deserved Christmas break. The first, which we’ll take a look into in this article, is the South African Outdoor Grand Prix, traditionallyContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

Jeanne Korber, of Korber Equestrian, is a regular feature in the showjumping community with several very competitive horses in the open grades including Callaho Lexington, which Jeanne has self-produced to the 1.50m under the guidance of her coach, Gonda Betrix. Today, Jeanne officially announced a new sponsorship, however, for anotherContinue Reading
