The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

With the close of the 3rd month of 2021, the showjumping calendar has enabled many riders across the country to establish their strings, develop their young horses, and set their eyes on the title competitions ahead of them. An exciting month of competition has seen many changes in the competitionContinue Reading

The Jumpoff, Showjumping news, Show Jumping News, South Africa

Team RotoFlo International has been incredibly active over the last few months with several game-changing decisions being made. Following the initial announcement that Capital Kamron would be heading to Belgium with Kelly O’Connor, the second story broke of Capital Moonlight joining in on the action. RotoFlo International has also beenContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

The 2021 showjumping calendar has already started successfully for many athletes across the country. With the first national show under our belts and Carl Boonzaaier kicking off the season with a spectacular win at the Reonet Riders Grand Prix, several riders have also begun their new year with some excitingContinue Reading

The JumpOff, Showjumping News, South Africa,

Many riders at the top end of showjumping know that having a quality string of horses of various ages is paramount to ensuring consistent performances in the competition arena for years to come. Several local riders already breed their own future champions, including the likes of Nicola Sime-Riley and Charley-AnnContinue Reading
